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Corporate Complaints

Corporate Complaints Module (CCM) facilitates uploading of complaints using an Excel​ ​file. This facility saves lot of human effort in entering the complaints through the online interface.​ To visit the interfaceClick here

The facility will be offered to registered customers only in accordance with the directions issued by Directorate vide letter No.3-6/2011/PG dated 18/12/13 addressed to all Chief Postmasters General. To register for this facility, customer need to submit an application to the Chief Postmaster General of the respective Postal Circle along with information in the following format and a declaration along with ​information of expected Monthly Average of Complaints likely to be booked by customers.

Sl. No.Information RequiredDatatypeMax LengthRemarks
1Customer NameText50
2Customer AddressText50Office Address
3Customer CityText50
4Customer PincodeText6Pincode of PO to which customer is attached for posting letters
5Office of registrationText50Postal Division to which customer is attached
6Office of bookingText50Name of the CCC which will handle complaints booked by customer
7Customer emailText50admin@mail.com
8Customer PhoneText20044-1111111
9Customer mobile no.Text159999999999
10Customer login IDText20Login ID as desired by customer
11Average number of complaints per month
Text50Please provide average number of complaints likely to be booked by customer. This will help in allocating complaint number series to customer account


I/We.............. will not upload complaints in respect of cases already settled (articles already delivered etc.) and in respect of cases where the date of booking is less than seven days. I/We ............... understand that if it is found that I/We.............. are violating the above conditions, facility will be withdrawn by the Department without assigning any reason.

Date :

Station :

Signature of authorized signatory


The facility will be extended to customers who are likely to upload a minimum of ten complaints at a time.

After submission of the application to the respective Chief Postmaster General, the customer will receive the credentials and URL details for uploading complaints if his request is accepted. If the request is not accepted, Chief Postmaster General will intimate the customer accordingly.

Each Postal Circle is headed by a Chief Postmaster General.Click here​ to know the postal Circle for your areaenter your Pincode in the For Pincode search ​​

​Click h​ere for the contact details of Chief Postmaster General​

​Last Updated : 28 Sep 2018

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